Traditional seaside resorts, natural sanctuaries, waves and spots for surfers.

Thanks to the Law of Breakers, promulgated in 2000, Peru became the first country in the world to have a legal system that protects the waves and considers them as part of its intangible heritage. Today, more than thirty waves of the Peruvian coast are protected.

Pacasmayo (La Libertad)

The emblematic Grau boardwalk stands out between the sea and the republican houses of vibrant colors that shape the landscape of Pacasmayo. Its waves, long and fluid, are perfect for surfers and, also, for kitesurfing and windsurfing (when there is enough wind).

Cabo Blanco (Piura)

In 1956, the American writer Ernest Hemingway visited this legendary cape and increased its fame. There, a great number of marine species can be found: swordfish, black merlin and the Pacific sailfish. Therefore, sport fishing is one of the main activities in Cabo Blanco. This beach has become a magnet for many experienced surfers due to it left wave, which has a world-class fast tube.

Chicama (La Libertad)

Every summer, hundreds of surfers arrive to Chicama -about thirty kilometers from Trujillo- to tame the longest left wave in the world: it is almost 2.5 kilometers long.

Los Órganos (Piura)

It has two surf zones. The first is La Vuelta, which is only safe when the growth of the sea comes from the north; it sould be challenged only by experts. The second one is in front of Punta Veleros and it has calm waves, ideal for new surfers.

El Ñuro (Piura)

This cape, located south of Máncora district, is home to the largest sea turtles that have been seen in Peru.

Huanchaco (La Libertad)

It is the birthplace of the totora horses and an ideal beach for longboarding. It was declared a World Surfing Reserve by Save the Waves Coalition in 2013; this makes it the first beach to obtain this recognition in Latin America.