What you did not know is that these areas are protected natural areas?

Protected Natural Area represent 17.3% of Peru’s land territory. Inland they represent the country's eco-regions, each one with its stunning flora, abundant fauna, diverse eco-systems and beautiful landscapes. This natural wealth, one of the greatest on the planet, constitutes a valuable nature heritage, the conservation and protection of which we are all responsible for.

Manu National Park (Madre de Dios)

This is natural tourism destination, par excellence. Climb punas of up to four thousand meters high, mountain forests, small gorges, valleys and misty high-jungle forests until you reach the Amazon plain. Its multiple ecological terraces make it one of the most biodiverse areas. Ideal for observing flora and fauna –especially birds, trekking and boat trips. You must contact an authorized travel agency to visit this park.

Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (Loreto)

A refuge of unprecedented biodiversity: in this Amazon reserve of more than two million hectares, there are 527 species of birds 102 species of mammals –among them, the Amazon river dolphin-, 69 species of reptiles, 58 species of amphibians, 269 species of fish and 1024 species of wild and cultivated plants. It also has the most extensive protected forest floodplain in the region.

Huascarán National Park (Huaraz)

This National Park protects the world's most extensive tropical mountain range. Here there are 712 glaciers, 434 lakes, 40 rivers and y numerous mountains, many of which are more than six thousand meters high. It also functions as a refuge for an abundant wild flora and fauna. BirdLife considers it to be paradise for watching Andean birds. There are more than 33 Pre-Inca archaeological sites in its territory.

Paisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas Reserve (Lima)

Lima's most beautiful landscapes can be found here: this area houses dozens of lagoons (known as (cochas), waterfalls, footpaths, caves, valleys and rural communities in placid towns (the footpaths in Laraos, the stone bridges in Vitis, the waterfalls in Huancaya). It is the eco-system characteristic of the Andes because it contains the sierra of Lima and Junín, although with its own flora (queñuales and Puya raimondii, also known as queen of the Andes trees and) and fauna (Andean foxes, vicuñas, deer and vizcachas).

Paracas National Reserve (Ica)

This protected area covers more than 33,000 hectares –two-thirds of which are waters of the Pacific Ocean and one-third islands and dry land-. Its eco-systems are inhabited by 216 species of birds, a variety of zooplankton and at least 20 species of whales. It is known for its strong winds –ideal for water sports- and the aridity of its desert. Its beaches are also ideal for tourism and offer many options for diving, sport fishing, kayaking, paragliding, cycling and trekking.